When shopping for car insurance, there are different options to choose from. Your particular budget and whether you are leasing your car can impact your insurance type. Some of the most common car insurance options are liability and comprehensive insurance. At MAIF in Baltimore, MD, we want drivers to stay insured and understand the right insurance for their needs.
Liability auto insurance can cover the cost of another driver’s property or their injuries if you are at fault for an accident. Property damage liability coverage may cover the cost of vehicle repairs or replacement, fences, poles, and other property types. Bodily injury liability coverage covers the medical costs of treating injuries from the other driver if you have an accident.
According to the MVA, the minimum car insurance required by the state of Maryland is $30,000 for bodily injury, $60,000 for two or more people, and $15,000 for property damage. Liability insurance is the base requirement coverage to drive in Maryland. It’s important to receive liability insurance if you do not have any insurance coverage, as this is the minimum. Drivers who do not have insurance coverage will have to pay fines and may have their licenses suspended. Having base coverage with liability insurance is a good idea for all drivers.
While comprehensive insurance is required if you are leasing or financing your car, it is not required as the bare minimum. This type of car insurance is optional and can cover non-collision-related costs. Comprehensive auto insurance coverage can include fire, windshield, and glass damage, falling objects, theft, vandalism, weather, accidents with animals, and other aspects outside of your control.
This coverage is not a different policy but can be added to an existing policy. Comprehensive coverage may not be worth it if you have a higher deductible for your vehicle when you have a lower cash value for your vehicle. However, if you cannot repair your vehicle out of pocket, comprehensive insurance can be a good idea to prevent expensive repairs. You never know when you need to replace a car part or repair your vehicle from a non-collision accident.
Do you need auto insurance coverage in Maryland? Call your local Maryland Auto Insurance Provider today at 301.842.6002. You can also receive a free car insurance quote from MAIF online. If you have questions about which type of insurance is right for your needs, please ask us; we will be happy to help. Whether you need collision insurance, comprehensive insurance, or insurance for multiple vehicles or motorcycles, we can assist you.
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